Video Demonstration of the Task Manager introduced in Configuration Manager


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Video Demonstration of the Task Manager introduced in Configuration Manager

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Besides the migration of the Task Manager screens from the Legacy Utilities zone to the Configuration Manager zone, the screen incorporates several new features and improvements.

Some of the newly added features of the Task Manager are listed below:


  • A new widget showing Scheduled Task(s) Today on the Task Manager Dashboard tab
    • All widgets will now show Jobs of the current day in addition to those of the previous 6 days
  • Introduction of a clear, spread out, and easy-to-understand layout in the form of separate tabs for – Minutes, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, and Advanced on the Run Job [Date/Time] section of the Job Scheduler
  • Addition of a new checkbox Diary Notification on the Scheduler tab of the Task Manager screen
  • In the Jobs tab, all Tasks are now segregated as Aborted, Completed, Completed with Error, Running, Task List, and Total Jobs Executed.
  • A new Action button Run Immediately has been added on the Task List grid, in the Jobs tab, against each scheduled task
  • A checkbox labeled Run Immediately has also been added on the Job Details screen of the Scheduler tab
  • A new Search/Filter option – Filter by Column Name has been added on the grids of the Jobs screen


All these enhancements have been effectively captured and explained in a demonstration video mentioned below for your convenience.


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