Video Demonstration for Assure Claims Academy


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Video Demonstration for Assure Claims Academy

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Assure Claims Academy


DXC announces the launch of the Assure Claims Academy portal on the Claims Microsite on 10 June, 2022. You can use this portal to self-assess your knowledge, and know-how, of the DXC Assure Claims application with utmost ease.


What does Assure Claim Academy offer?


The Assure Claims Academy

  • Offers Numerous quizzes or tests
  • Can be used to evaluate your know-how of the various features and functionalities from across the different zones of DXC Assure Claims
  • Acts as an excellent skill & knowledge assessment tool for Customers of DXC Assure Claims, and Employees of DXC Technology.


Please watch the video demonstration below to know more about accessing and using the Assure Claims Academy Portal.


Visit the Assure Claims Microsite to take the assessment test. 

Table of Contents