Training Services


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Training Services

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DXC provides key services that help empower software users and improve their essential skills. A major goal of the staff includes assisting clients in making productive use of all DXC group software and technology products in a cost effective, systematic manner. We help re-tool user skills for success and real-world operational results by mastering new software functions, reinventing existing client work flow processes and creatively leveraging the flexibility of the software. Special focus is placed on enhancing client results in financial data analysis, claim loss control, regulatory compliance, data management and reporting.

Training is conducted at your site. In some situations training can be conducted remotely.

Training Classes Available:


 Topic  Audience
 System Configuration (Sample Agenda)  IT, Power User
 End User Training (Sample Agenda)  Power User, End User
 RISKMASTER Accelerator Upgrade Training  (Sample Agenda)  All
 Business Analytics Explorer (Sample Agenda)  All
 Business Analytics End User Training (Sample Agenda)  All
 System Administrator Upgrade Training (Sample Agenda)
 Dashboard  IT
 Data Analytics  IT, Power User
 Script Editor  IT
 Advanced End User


Request a topic—Don’t see what you are looking for? DXC can provide customized training upon request. Please contact Linda Seymour ( for further information.

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