Reorganization of the Configuration Manager zone & Deprecation of Legacy Utilities zone


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Reorganization of the Configuration Manager zone & Deprecation of Legacy Utilities zone

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Redesigned and Reorganized Configuration Manager zone

The ongoing journey of Angular and .Net Core Technology-based developments in the Configuration Manager zone takes a big step forward with the introduction of a completely redesigned and reorganized Configuration Manager zone based on logical business reasoning.

Click here to access the complete list of various features and modules regrouped under various menus of the Configuration Manager zone.


Deprecation of the legacy Utilities zone

The legacy utilities zone has now been deprecated and will eventually be removed from the Assure Claims system in a forthcoming release. As all administrative settings and controls previously available in the Utilities zone are now available in the Configuration Manager zone, DXC recommends using the latter for all administrative purpose.


Video demo of the reorganized Configuration Manager zone and the deprecated Utilities zone


The video demonstration below captures all the enhancements done to the Configuration Manager and the Utilities zone.



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