Notes API

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Notes API

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 Notes API
Notes Get
URL http{s}:// { server name }/riskmasterapi/{ Formname }/{clamid}/reserves/{rcrowid}/transactiontype/{paymenttype}/transaction/{transid}
Content Header Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Please contact your RISKMASTER Administrator if you require an Authorization Key.
  application/json Returns a response data with HATEOS
  Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content
Forbidden Access
Description Server name, the IP or machine name of rmA application server.
Rcrowid, rc row id of the reserve selected on which payment is to be made
Formname, claim line of business. It could be claimgc,claimva,claimwc,claimdi,claimpc
Claimid, claim id of claim record from CLAIM table.
Paymenttype, if it is payment,collection or manual deductible
Notes Create
URL http{s}://{server name}/riskmasterapi/{formname}/{claimid}/transaction
Content Header Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Please contact your RISKMASTER Administrator if you require an Authorization Key.
  application/json Returns a response data with HATEOS
  Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content
Forbidden Access
Description Server name, the IP or machine name of rmA application server.
Formname, claim line of business. It could be claimgc,claimva,claimwc,claimdi,claimpc
Claimid, claim id of claim record from CLAIM table.
Mandatory fields for Notes Create
Fields in JSON Description Sample data
accountId Bank account 62
lastName Payee Last name D&R Reporting And Video, Inc.
amount Total of all split amounts in base currency 2.0
claimantEid Claimant involved on financial key of payment 3752
claimCurrencyAmount Total of split claim currency amount 2.0
dstrbnType Distribution Type “id”:45213,


“desc”:”Regular Mail”,


payeeTypeCode Payee Type “id”:466,




pmtCurrencyAmount Total of split payment currency amount 2.0
pmtCurrencyType Currency of the payment “id”:44327,


“desc”:”United States|en-US”,


policyCurrencyAmount Total of split policy currency amount 2.0
transDate Transaction date 10/16/2017
splitRcRowID Reserve id on which split is created. Used for carrier payment 0
claimId Claim id 6656
splitCvgLossID Loss type applied on coverage 0
splitResTypeCode Reserve type applied on split 368
splitResSubTypeCode Reserve sub type applied on split 45919
splitPolCvgID Key of policy_X_cvg_type table applied on split 0
splitPolicyID Policy applied on split 0
rcRowId Reserve id on which split is created 1927
claimCurrencyAmount Claim currency amount of split 2.0
sumAmount Amount of split 2.0
cmbTransactionType Transaction type of split 5410
isFirstFinal True if first and final split false
policyCurrencyAmount Policy currency amount of split 2.0
Notes Save
URL http{s}://{server name}/riskmasterapi/{formname}/{claimid}/transaction
Content Header Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Please contact your RISKMASTER Administrator if you require an Authorization Key.
  application/json Returns a response data with HATEOS
  Returned if there is no content with the given id, or if the calling user does not have permission to view the content
Forbidden Access
Description Server name: the IP or machine name of rmA application server.
Formname: claim line of business. It could be claimgc,claimva,claimwc,claimdi,claimpc
Claimid: claim id of claim record from CLAIM table.
Data Dictionary for Notes Json
JSON Fields UX field Description
ClaimProgressNoteId Claim Progress Note It is the primary key for the progress
Identifier notes.
HTML HTML Contains details for notes.
Text Text Contains details for notes.
NoteTypeCode Note Type Code It defines the code type of the note.
NoteTypeDesc Note Type The description of particular note type
Description is stored in it.
TemplateId Template Identifier It is the identifier defined for the notes
TemplateName Template Name It is the template name for the notes.
ActivityDate Activity Date The date on which the actions on the
note are taken.
DataChangedByInitScript Data Changed By This is set to true if data changed by
Initialize Script initialize field is true , otherwise false.
Subject Subject Subject of the note
ColorCode Color Code Defines the color code of the note.
ImpFlag ImpFlag Sets the ImpFlag integer type .
ImpFlagYesNo ImpFlag YesNo Sets the ImpFlag string type in yes no.
DeleteFlag Delete Flag Deletes the flag set true earlier.
SecurityList Security List Defines the security list needed for the
TemplateId Template Identifier Defines the identifier for the template.
TemplateName Template Name Defines the name of the template
TemplateMemo Template Memo Defines the memo template.
AddedBy Added By Defines who added the note.
UpdatedBy Updated By Defines who updated the note.
DateAdded Date Added The date on which the note is added.
DateUpdated Date Updated Stores the update date of the note.
NewRecord New record It is a Boolean defining if the record
added is new or not.
objProgressNoteTemplateList The object progress Defines the template list for the
note template list. progress notes.
EventID Event Identifier Defines the event id.
ClaimID Claim Identifier Defines the claim id.
LOB Line of Business LOB can claimgc,claimhc etc.
Header1 Header 1 Sets the header.
Header2 Header 2
…….. ……..
Header8 Header 8
Sortby Sort by Fields for sorting and ordering the
OrderBy Order by notes.
Header1Text Header’s text Sets the text for the headers.
HeaderKeyShowList Header Key Show This is the list to show header keys.
RecordType Record Type Type of the record to be saved.
RecordId Record Identifier Unique identifier for the record
CaptionText Caption text Stores the text for the captions in the
ClaimID Claim information Information pertaining to the claim is
ClaimantRowId stored in these fields.
LOB Line of business Claim LOB
EventID Event Identifier Event Identifier
NewRecord New Record Sets a value true if a new record,
otherwise false.
objClaimantList Object Claimant Defines the object claimant list.
NotesLevelDropdown Notes Level Sets a value true if this
Dropdown notesleveldropdown is true, otherswise
bViewTemplates B View Templates Boolean value set to true or false
depending on the bViewTemplate.
SelectEvent Select Event Booleann value set to true if
SelectEvent is true, otherwise
policyID policyID Policy identifier.
LOB Line of business Claim lob.
Codeid Color code details Color code details
ClaimID Claim details Information pertaining to the claim on
ClaimantID notes level.
EventNumber Event details Event details
PolicyID Policy identifier Policy Identifier
FormName Form name
ClaimProgressNoteId ClaimProgressNoteId Claim progress note identifier.
IsAttached Boolean field to decide if the
note is attached or not.
AttachTable Attachment information. Attachment information.
FreezeText Boolean value field.
ShowDateStamp Show Date Stamp Boolean value field.
UserName User name Name of the user
PageNumber Page Number PageNumber
TotalNumberPages Total Number of pages Total number of pages
SortColumn Sort column Defines the sort column.
EnhancedTimeLimit Enhanced Time Limit EnhancedTimeLimit
EnhancedTimeLimit EnhancedT ime Limit Enhanced Time Limit
PrintMultiplePages Print Multiple Boolean value to decide whether to
Pages print multiple pages or not, depending
upon true or false.
objFilter The object Filter The object Filter
SortCol Sort Column Sorting string
DataType Data Type Data Type
Ascending Ascending To sort the list in ascending order.
Temp temporary Temporary variable.
Formname Form name Name of the form.
EventNumber Event Number Number of the event created.
FunctionToCall Function To Call Function to call.
ClaimProgressNoteId Claim Progress Note It the identifier for the claim progress
Id notes.
ActivateFilter Activate Filter Gets or sets a value indicating whether
ActivateFilter is true or false.
ApplySort Apply Sort It stores the apply sort value.
ProgressNoteReport Progress Note Report It defines the progress note report
export path.
PrintOrder1 Print order values.
NoteTypeCodeId Note Type code Identifier to store note type code.
NotesPolicyClaimView Notes Policy Claim Boolean that stores a value depending
View if this field is true or false.
iGenerateReportThresholdExceeded iGenerate Report Integer to store report threshold count.
Threshold Exceeded
SortPref Sort Preference Preference of the sorting to be
PIName PI Name Person involved name.
bIsMobileAdjuster b Is Mobile Sets or gets a value, if this field is true
Adjuster or false.
bIsMobilityAdjuster B Is Sets or gets a value, if this field is true
MobilityAdjuster or false
CaseMgtRowID Case Management Row Identifier for the case management
ID row.
DemanOfferParent Demand Offer Parent Defines the demand offer parent.
DemanOfferParentId Demand Offer Parent Defines the demand offer parent
Identifier identifier.
OrderPref Order Preference Order Preference
AllowClaimantNotes Allow Claimant Defines the allow claimant notes
Notes setting.
AllowAttachmentNotes Allow Attachment Gets or sets the
Notes AllowAttachmentNotes – allow
only for
– RiskmasterX setting
AllowPdfEditing Allow Pdf Editing Boolean to decide if the pf editing
would be allowed or not.
PdfEditingPassword Pdf Editing Password for editing pdf.
reportHeader Report Header String to store the report headere.
ClaimIDList Claim identifier list Claimi detail.
UserTypeList User Type List Type of the user.
NoteTypeList Note Type List Type of the notes.
EnteredByList Entered By List Entering details.
ActivityFromDate Activity from date Activity from date
ActivityToDate Activity to date Activity to date
NotesTextContains Notes text contains String to store text in the notes
SortBy Sort by Sorting variable
SubjectList Subject List List to store the subject details.
SearchImpFlag3 Search Important Flag3 Flag to search value.
ClaimantIDList Claimant Identifier List Identifier.
NoteRowID Notes detail Note row identifier.
ProgressNoteID Notes detail Progress note identifier.
DocumentID Document ID Document identifier.
AddedByUser Added By User User who adds the note.
DttmRcdAdded Date time month of addition Date time month on which the note is
UserLogin User login To store the logged in user.
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