Category : New Features

What’s new in DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1?Listed below are all the New Features, Enhancements & Improvements, Administrative & Security Enhancements and Customer Resolutions introduced in DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1. New Features Listed below are the New Features that make DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1 more robust and flexible to accommodate business scenarios to perform operations. Navigation ..

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Thriving on Change In keeping with DXC’s corporate strategy & brand alignment directives, going further, RISKMASTER has been renamed as DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM. Thus, with this release and onwards, the product will be known and referred to as DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM or Insurance RISKMASTER as the use case may apply in all product documents and ..

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RISKMASTER 18.3 New Features and Enhancements RISKMASTER v.18.3 introduces the following New Features and Enhancements with Global Application:Mediation Screen EDI Claims Release 3.1 Diary Notifications Implementation of Escrow Function Enhanced Medical Certificate Screen New Navigation for Attachment and Enhanced Notes Customizing RISKMASTER via Functionality Packages New Features & Enhancements with Localized Application RISKMASTER v.18.3 now offers ..

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RISKMASTER 18.2 New Features and Enhancements RISKMASTER  18.2 introduces the following new features and enhancements: ‘Zone Navigation’ across the RISKMASTER application. An ‘expand’ and ‘pop-out’ feature on ‘Enhanced Notes’ and ‘Attachments’ modules making navigation to  other screens possible. Makes Reserve Worksheet module available for Carrier Clients as well, allowing them to simultaneously process Multiple Reserves ..

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RISKMASTER Accelerator 18.1 further enhances the overall User Experience by adding/moving more features of the base application into the new UX standard: Document: Property Claim, Health Claim Non-Occupational Claim: FMLA Claims: OSHA MMSEA Time and Expense Transaction Reports > Executive summary BRS Transactions User Document: Document List Diary: Diary Calendar Maintenance: Address Maintenance, Catastrophe, Table ..

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Riskmaster Accelerator 17.3  RISKMASTER Accelerator 17.3 further enhances the overall User Experience by adding/moving more features of the base application into the new UX standard. Document: Non-Occupational Claim Funds: Auto Check My Work: Web Links Utility: Grid Setting, Theme Setting, Error Tracer Maintenance: Admin Tracking, Driver, Employee, Medical Staff, Patient Tracking, People, Physician, Policy Tracking, ..

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Riskmaster Accelerator 17.2 RISKMASTER Accelerator 17.2 enhances the overall user experience by integrating UX into the base application for: Document: Event, General Claim, Vehicle Claim, Worker’s Compensation Claim and Policy System Download Diary: Diary List Funds: Supervisory Approval, Print Check, Transaction & Stop Pay Checks My Work: Recent Claims, Recent events, My pending claims, My ..

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Riskmaster Accelerator 17.1  RISKMASTER Accelerator 17.1 enhances the overall user experience by integrating new UX into the base    application for EDI History, Claim Comments and Claim Comment Summary. RISKMASTER Accelerator 17.1 enables Claim Activity Log to support multicurrency (MC) in rmA application. Now, the Claim Activity Log displays amount for Reserves transactions in Claim ..

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