Category : New Features

24.1 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 3rd April 2024   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 24.1? With an intent to keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v.24.1 introduces the following new feature, enhancements & improvements, customers resolutions and compliances and regulatory updates:   New Features ..

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23.4 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 5th January 2023   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 23.4? With an intent to keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 23.4 introduces the following new features, enhancements & improvements, customers resolutions and compliances and regulatory updates:   New ..

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23.3 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 9th October 2023   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 23.3? With an intent to keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 23.3 introduces the following new features, enhancements, improvements, and specific resolutions for customers in the Americas and the ..

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23.2 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 4th July 2023   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 23.2? With an intent to keep up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v.23.2 introduces the following feature Enhancements & Improvements:     Improvements & Enhancements Some feature, interface, usability and performance ..

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23.1 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 11th April 2023   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 23.1? With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v.23.1 introduces the following feature Enhancements & Improvements, and Customer Resolutions:    New Feature The new features introduced in ..

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22.4 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 09th January 2022   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 22.4? With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 22.4 introduces the following feature Enhancements & Improvements, and Customer Resolutions:   New Feature The following Artificial Intelligence ..

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22.3 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 06th October 2022   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 22.3? With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 22.3 introduces the following feature Enhancements & Improvements, and Customer Resolutions:   Enhancements & Improvements Several feature, interface, ..

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22.2 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 04th July 2022   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v.22.2? With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 22.2 introduces the following feature enhancements, improvements, and compliances & regulatory updates:   New Feature   Creation of Claims ..

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22.1 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 28th March 2022   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v.22.1? With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 22.1 introduces several Enhancements & Improvements to existing features.   Enhancements & Improvements Several feature, interface, usability and performance related ..

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21.4 Current Release Information RELEASE DATE: 03rd January 2022   What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v.21.4? With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 21.4 introduces several Enhancements & Improvements to existing features.   Enhancements & Improvements Several feature, interface, usability and performance ..

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