
  New Features

22.4 Current Release Information

RELEASE DATE: 09th January 2022

What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v. 22.4?

With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 22.4 introduces the following feature Enhancements & Improvements, and Customer Resolutions:

New Feature

The following Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) powered new feature introduced in DXC Assure Claims v. 22.4 is a step towards developing capabilities essential for future readiness and providing industry leading services:

  • Introduction of Predictive Claims-as-a-Service (PCaaS) for Claim Complexity Prediction (phase 1)*
Enhancements & Improvements

A few feature, interface, usability and performance related improvements and enhancements have been introduced in DXC Assure Claims v. 22.4 that greatly enhance user experience. The key enhancements and improvements included in this release are:

  • DXC partners with Verisk for automated MMSEA reporting using MSP Navigator *
  • Enhancements in the Life Claim LOB    
    • Movement of Financials from Coverages to the Policy Level (phase 1)
  • Digital Transformation within Assure Claims (cont’d…)    
    • API based Extract Solution for 1099-MISC Reporting
    • Availability of migrated Task Type and Screen in the Configuration Manager zone
      • Claim Balancing (task type)
      • Time & Expense Rate Tables (screen)
  • UX, UI and Backend Enhancements    
    • Renaming Task Manager to Claim Scheduler
    • Enhanced Primary Theme Colors for Improved Text Legibility
    • Backend Changes
Important Note

** Features with double asterisk marks (**) are such Task Types for which the need for SAP Configuration has been negated.

* Features with an asterisk mark (*) involve additional cost/ consulting/ agreement/ licensing considerations. Please reach out to DXC Assure Claims Support or your DXC Assure Claims Sales Representative for more information.


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