
  New Features

22.2 Current Release Information

RELEASE DATE: 04th July 2022

What’s new in DXC Assure Claims v.22.2?

With an intent of keeping up with the business needs of its global user community, DXC Assure Claims v. 22.2 introduces the following feature enhancements, improvements, and compliances & regulatory updates:

New Feature
  • Creation of Claims via the Import Tool (foundation)
Enhancements & Improvements

Several feature, interface, usability and performance related improvements and enhancements have been introduced in DXC Assure Claims v. 22.2 that greatly enhance user experience. The key enhancements and improvements included in this release are:

  • Digital Transformation within Assure Claims (cont’d…) 
    • Video demonstration on the New Features of the Task Manager in the Configuration Manager zone    
    • Availability of new and migrated Task Types and Screens in the Configuration Manager zone
    • Task Manager
      • BR (Import/Extract Tool)**
      • PositivePay**
      • Reserve Balance
      • Financial History Processing
    • Migrated Screens
      • Manage Custom Tasks
      • Holiday Setup
      • Rebuild System Tables
      • Supplemental Grid Parameter
      • Reserve Balance
  • Enhancements in the Life Claims LOB*   
  • Addition of Quick Delete button to easily remove Attorney Details
Australia Region specific Enhancements & Improvements

As part of DXC localization endeavors, Assure Claims v. 22.2 rolls out the first installment of customized features to accommodate business scenarios and comply with local regulations to offer a robust and flexible Assure Claims experience. The key enhancement for Australia is:

  • New Bank Account Interface to integrate with CommBank for EFTs
Compliances & Regulatory Updates

The enhancement around compliances and regulatory updates introduced in this release includes:

  • Support for Additional Medicare details included in MMSEA based on the PAID Act update
DXC Assure Academy

This is a new portal accessible via the Claims Microsite and can be used to self-assess one’s knowledge, and know-how, of the DXC Assure Claims application.

Important Note

** Features with double asterisk marks (**) are such Task Types for which the need for SAP Configuration has been negated.

* Features with an asterisk mark (*) involve additional cost/ consulting/ agreement/ licensing considerations. Please reach out to DXC Assure Claims Support or your DXC Assure Claims Sales Representative for more information.


Click To Download the release notes