
  New Features

DXC Assure Claims v.19.3
Listed below are all the New Features, Enhancements & Improvements and Customer Resolutions introduced in DXC Assure Claims v.19.3.

New Features

The New Features introduced in DXC Assure Claims v.19.3 which make the application more robust and flexible to accommodate business scenarios to perform operations are:

  • Medical Management*
  • Temporary Access to Any Record*
  • Risk Assessment Scoring (RAS) for WC & Non-Occ Claims*
  • Introducing DXC Assure Claims Analytics Powered by Sisense*
  • Drag & Drop Emails from MS Outlook to DXC Assure Claims*
  • Ability to Download all Coverages for a Policy Unit
  • SAP Upgradation to BODS 4.2 SP12 & IPS 4.2 SP6

Enhancements & Improvements

Mentioned below are all the interface, usability and performance related improvements and enhancements that make DXC Assure Claims v.19.3 a much more efficient & user-friendly application.

  • Enhancements & Improvements
  • Global and Code Level Search in Table Maintenance
  • Toaster Display Enhancement
  • Redesigned Diary List Icons
  • Improved Error Logging
  • Claim Deletion Tool Available Through the Task Manager*
  • Ability to Mark an Event as Important
  • Easily Identify Enhanced Notes in Draft Mode
  • Enhancements in the Life Claim Module*

Customer Resolutions

Mentioned below is the specific issue resolution provided for customers in DXC Assure Claims v.19.3:

  • Medical Info Accordion for WC & Non-Occ Claims

 *: Features with an asterisk mark (*) involve additional cost/ consulting/ agreement/ licensing considerations. Please reach out to DXC Assure Claims Support or your DXC Assure Claims Sales Representative for more information.

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