
  New Features

What’s new in DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1?
Listed below are all the New Features, Enhancements & Improvements, Administrative & Security Enhancements and Customer Resolutions introduced in DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1.

New Features

Listed below are the New Features that make DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1 more robust and flexible to accommodate business scenarios to perform operations.

  • Navigation with an Enhanced Right-hand Pane
  • Autosaving Claim Enhanced Notes
  • Address Autocomplete with Melissa & RISKMASTER’s API*
  • Integration of Insurance RISKMASTER & SubroPro*
  • Send Remittance Information to Viewpost*
  • Ability to Switch Databases & PowerViews from any Zone
  • Detailed Summary Tree
  • Quick Summary Performance Improvement
  • Ability to Mark Transactions Ready to Print
  • Enhancement in Stop Pay Transaction
  • Enhancement of Average Weekly Wage (AWW) Calculations*
  • Implementation of Post-Mortem Interest Calculations*
  • Displaying Printed & Allocated Reserves
  • Improved Financials Screen
  • Payment Approval Performance Improvement
  • Customizable Policy Validations*
  • Claims Desktop (CDT) Integration*
  • Logging Rolled and Routed Information
  • Framework for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Validation
  • Configurable Person Involved Menu
  • Easy Accessibility of System Error Messages
  • Recording & Tracking Claim Type Changes
  • Recording & Tracking Claim Review Information

Enhancements & Improvements

Mentioned below are all the interface, usability and performance related improvements and enhancements that make DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1 a much more efficient & user-friendly application.

  • Enhanced Drag & Drop Feature for File Attachments
  • FDM Accordion Fields Loading Performance
  • Enhanced Check Preview Screen
  • Improved Left-hand Pane
  • Improved Code Lookup Grid
  • Improved Logging of Date & Time During Currency Conversions

Administrative & Security Enhancements

Listed below are Administration & Security related enhancements introduced in DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1. These enhancements typically run in the background & are usually dealt with by the System Administrators and Technicians.

  • Database & PowerView Upgrade Improvements
  • Removal of PV Upgrade tool Dependence
  • Configure Multiple Email APIs*
  • Configurable Text Autosuggest
  • Field Customization in PowerView Editor
  • Importing SAML Identity Provider (IdP) Metadata from Files (SSO)*
  • Auto Generation of Self Signed Certificates (SSO)*
  • Masking of Banking Information
  • Cloning Module Security Groups

Customer Resolutions

Listed below are the specific issue resolutions provided for customers in DXC Insurance RISKMASTERTM v.19.1.

  • RISKMASTER Launch App Notification
  • Multilingual CRUD (Create, Read, Update & Delete) Grids
  • Improved Reserve Validation Script

 *: Features with asterisks marks involve additional cost/consulting/agreement/licensing considerations. Please reach out to Insurance RISKMASTER Support or your Insurance RISKMASTER Sales Representative for more information.

Click To Download the release notes